Spirit Point Competition! 1st - Fantastic 4 | 2nd - Hui Mana'o | 3rd - Laulima | 4th - Na Koa | 5th - 'Ekahi | 6th - Hui Ha'aheo | 7th - Ho'oko | 8th - Laule'a

March 11, 2010

50th Anniversary Assembly

Happy Birthday Highlands -- you're 50 years old!  The 1959-60 school year was Highlands Intermediate's first and this 2009-2010 is it's 50th and it's time to celebrate! This Thursday we have a special assembly with tons of VIP guests (past principals, teachers, students, legislators...), a new mascot to unveil, a 25-year-old time capsule to open and a new one to create. You'll also be surprised with all the great entertainment by our very own Highlands students and alumni. Stay tuned after the assembly for the 50th Anniversary Dance to follow Lunch!  Happy Birthday to us! Happy Birthday to Highlands! Happy 50th!


March 10, 2010

New Logo -- Highlands Intermediate Colts!

Way back in 1959, Highlands Intermediate was known as the Hilltoppers because back then the school was located at the very "top" of Pearl City. Then came the Trojans. With the upcoming 50th Anniversary Assembly a need arose for the school's mascot to reflect Highlands Intermediate as youthful, vibrant, full of energy, more modern and to also match the high school's mascot the Charger.

A Mascot Committee was then formed from the student body of Highlands Intermediate.  They polled their fellow students and went to a vote to come up with The Colts as a symbol of our school in the 21st century.  The search for an appropriate artist was long and thorough and a final design was picked upon many.  The newly drawn logo was then presented to our SCC at meeting in early March and passed with praise and promise just in time for the schedule unveiling at our school's historic 50th Anniversary Assembly.

And so, without any further ado, here is Highlands Intermediate's new mascot....The Highlands Colts!

March 9, 2010

50th Anniversary Slideshow

50 years of memories culled from the Highlands archives just for you...enjoy!

March 8, 2010

25th Anniversary Time Capsule

The year was 1985.  Highlands Intermediate metal shop teacher, Mr. Kanemoto was commissioned to  create the 25 Year Highlands Time Capsule with the intention of it to stand the test of time and keep the contents intact for a later generation to discover and take lesson from.  Indeed, Mr. Kanemoto's invention stayed true to intended purpose as the 25 Year Time Capusle was unearthed by students of Mrs. Maeshiro's PE Class, Mr. Anbe (Vice-Principal) and Mr. White (Student Activities Coordinator) at approximately 9 am on February 26, 2010.  The Time Capsule was subsequently opened up one week later in the Student Government room via Mr. Lee and Mr. White along with Mrs. Maeshiro and the Yearbook Staff documenting the occasion.  The Time Capsule was resealed with the intention of unveiling it and it's antiquated contents at the Highlands 50th Anniversary Assembly on March 10, 2010.

March 2, 2010

Vanlentine's Shout-Out Lunch Booth

The Valentine's Shout-Out Lunch Booth was a great success!  It took place on Tuesday, February 9th both at recess and at lunch. So many students showed up to participate in this event that we had a hard time keeping all of them in line.  The purpose of this activity was to give students the opportunity to write positive Valentine's-themed messages to the other students around campus and they were also able to gain spirit points for their teams for each Shout-Out written.  Team Laulima ended up gaining the most spirit points during this activity with 63. By the end of the lunch period we nearly ran out of shout out cards, but luckly we made extra ;)  I guess that you can tell that a lot of people participated...a lot more than we could have imagined.

Everyone that entered was eligible to win some great prizes like Valentine's stuffed animals and cool boxes of chocolate hearts in a prize drawing the following day. The grand prize was a dozen fresh, red long-stem roses which was won by Kenedie Alcalde. When i personally delivered the dozen roses to her in her 6th period class she was so surprised everyone was cheering for her.  So, in conclusion, I guess you could say that the Valentine's Shout-Out Lunch Booth went relatively well for everyone had fun and it gave the students of Highlands something entertaining to do rather than getting in trouble ;)

Leadership Class




Q3 Intramural: 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament