November 20, 2024

6th Grade Orientation 2024

“Hey, Hey you! Welcome to HIS!” was how the incoming 7th Graders for the 25-26 sy were welcomed to Highlands Intermediate with much aloha and opened arms by all of our 7th & 8th Grade Ambassadors, Student Council, Band, Chorus, Ukulele Classes and our awesome teachers and staff members! The 6th Graders from all 8 Pearl City elementary schools were led through different activities to show what kind of elective classes Highlands has to offer and just about everything else about the school. Their knowledge grew more and more as they learned so many more things about Highlands to help them prepare for their upcoming 7th Grade year! They had so much fun interacting with the Highlands Intermediate guides as well as walking through the whole campus to get a better feel of their future school. We hope that with this orientation the 6th graders will be less nervous and instead more excited about their new upcoming year at Highlands Intermediate School!  Eddi Nakamoto , Assembly Committee