Spirit Point Competition! 1st - Fantastic 4 | 2nd - Hui Mana'o | 3rd - Laulima | 4th - Na Koa | 5th - 'Ekahi | 6th - Hui Ha'aheo | 7th - Ho'oko | 8th - Laule'a

December 3, 2018

Q2 Intramural: Volleyball

The 8 teams at Highlands Intermediate are very competitive which means it was a perfect time for Q2 Intramural: Volleyball! So many students from all teams got together everyday at lunch over the span of 2 weeks. All of the teams worked hard but only one would be victorious. In the finals, the 7th Grade team, Hui Ha’aheo had to had to challenge the 8th Grade Champions, Team Hui Mana’o to be become the School Champion.  In the end, it was the 8th Graders -- Team Hui Mana’o -- that prevailed and became Q2 Intramural Volleyball Champions 2019! The very next day, everyone was buzzing with excitement in anticipation for the annual Teacher vs. Student All-Star Game. Of course, the teachers won lol ;) Congratulations once again to Team Hui Mana’o!!! Arisa, Athletics Commitee