Spirit Point Competition! 1st - Fantastic 4 | 2nd - Hui Mana'o | 3rd - Laulima | 4th - Na Koa | 5th - 'Ekahi | 6th - Hui Ha'aheo | 7th - Ho'oko | 8th - Laule'a

January 14, 2019

PCHES Reading Buddies 2019

From happy endings, creative plots to valuable lessons, all are found in childhood books. The Highlands Intermediate Student Council brought back old stories that were once part of our past for others to enjoy. We read our favorite stories to the 2nd graders of the Pearl City Highlands Elementary School over the span of the Q3 and Q4. We also loved facilitating fun activities like icebreakers to start off each session and whole group energizers to end it. Our absolute favorite part was seeing the excitement in our little buddies’ faces every time we came in the door and then as we said our goodbyes until next time…  Diogne, Student Government Secretary