Spirit Point Competition! 1st - Fantastic 4 | 2nd - Hui Mana'o | 3rd - Laulima | 4th - Na Koa | 5th - 'Ekahi | 6th - Hui Ha'aheo | 7th - Ho'oko | 8th - Laule'a

October 27, 2023

Highlands Haunted House 11: Guides, Actors, Special FX!

October is almost here and Halloween is fast approaching! To get everyone in the "spirit" and to continue this special tradition here at Highlands, we spent several weeks putting together our annual Highlands Haunted House. This year marked our 11th event and it was a banger! Student Council ran the Highlands Haunted House 11 for 1 whole week right before Halloween. Each Student Council member got to chose their role as either an Actor, Special FX or Guide. Guests were grouped into fours in the order of either Dwarf, Barbarian, Elf, or Wizard characters. The way ahead was dark and thankfully our Guides were clever enough to bring "torches" to help guide their groups safely through the haunt. Each character was called upon to use their special abilities in order to conquer each challenge presented to the group until they ultimately found themselves face to face with Varag the Terrible! Now trapped, the group had to use everything they had in order to slay the foul beast and his dark minions. Huge thanks to our amazing Actors, Guides, and Special FX crew for making our haunt interactive, interesting, and oh so memorable! We can still hear all of your screams til this day hahahahahahahahaha… Elvin Yao, Service Committee