Who’s ready for a new year?! No, not the New Years new years, staying up until midnight and popping fireworks. I mean the new SCHOOL year, with smiling faces, full bags, and, for Highlands Intermediate, the annual Welcome Back Assembly! With the pandemic still going, we had to resort to making the Welcome Back Assembly 2021 virtual, but that didn’t make it any less special! However, there was a LOT of work that went on behind the scenes to make this assembly possible! Before it went live, Student Council spent their time planning, organizing, and recording to make sure we started this year off with a “BANG!” And after weeks of classes and breaks spent in front of a camera and late night for Mr. White used to edit every piece of the puzzle together, the students of Highlands Intermediate laid their eyes on the wondrous virtual Welcome Back Assembly 2021! Mia, Student Government Vice President