Spirit Point Competition! 1st - Fantastic 4 | 2nd - Hui Mana'o | 3rd - Laulima | 4th - Na Koa | 5th - 'Ekahi | 6th - Hui Ha'aheo | 7th - Ho'oko | 8th - Laule'a

August 2, 2018

Highlands StuCo Bootcamp 2018 Day 1

Wow! Amazing! Exceptional! All understatements about the Highlands Student Council’s BootCamp 2018. Less than a week before start of the 18-19 school year, the brand new Student Council came to school and learned how to be a leaders, to work with others, and plan events. The 2 day BootCamp was extraordinary — we learned so much, so quickly, and not just from Mr.White. Highlands StuCo Alumni came back to teach us about what they learned and how to be successful. The Alumni ran us through icebreakers, cheers, and energizers and how to have fun working together all while getting an exceptional result! The StuCo Bootcamp 2018 was also a phenomenal way for us to learn about our fellow Student Council members, and I’m sure that we’ll all make this school year the best one yet!!!   Chase, 8th Grade President