Spirit Point Competition! 1st - Fantastic 4 | 2nd - Hui Mana'o | 3rd - Laulima | 4th - Na Koa | 5th - 'Ekahi | 6th - Hui Ha'aheo | 7th - Ho'oko | 8th - Laule'a

August 4, 2017

Student Council Bootcamp 2017

Ready… Set… Prep! This year’s Student Council Bootcamp was jam-packed with exciting activities that taught our new group of leaders the different responsibilities, skills, and qualities of a leader. HIS Student Council Alumni, 8th Grade members, and the new 7th Grade Council met up on August 3rd and 4th for this school year’s first official activity. Everyone bonded and had the chance to become a team with exercises like Name Game Centipede, Pterodactyl, cheers and energizers, and the Trust Journey! The action kicked up on the second day with an escape room set up by the HIS StuCo Alumni, lessons on how to use walkie-talkies, and creating a fully-functioning activity booth.  Additionally, we became more comfortable and familiarized with this year’s school theme: “Justice League Unite!”  What could be a more thrilling way to learn how to be a Student Council member? I’m 100% sure that this year’s StuCo Bootcamp was as awesome as it was educational and that it will enable us to make this school year’s student activities the best they can possibly be!  Taylor Ann, 8th Grade President